Education and Training

Education and Training

Education and training are among the most powerful levers that allow children to
achieve, flourish and assert themselves in their later lives.
This is why EQUITY works to ensure that all children, especially girls, can go to school
and receive quality education.

Access to education

Today’s girls are tomorrow’s mothers: It is important that they all know how to read, write,
use computer tools, in short, have a quality education, in order to be able to exercise a
profession and know their rights, occupy positions of responsibility and participate in the social, economic and political development of the country.

Vocational training

This contributes to the emancipation of girls and women. Indeed, creating opportunities for professional
training for young women contributes to their financial empowerment, the
promotion of a more inclusive society without consideration of gender.
For this we are looking for scholarships and support for these people so that
they are educated in vocational high school, apprenticeship or qualifying training.
In short, we: